Podcast: Foodscape

Under the Framework of the International Project URBASENS Senory approaches and effects of the Covid-19 Sanitary crisis on the mobility and urban atmospheres of the city foodscapes “Approches SENSibles et effets de la crise sanitaire Covid-19 sur les mobilités et ambiances dans les paysages alimentaires urbains, this podcast has been launched during the ending session of the project on October 2022.

Radiophonie Days Podcast: Sounds & Cities

Soundscape, Architecture and Urban Ambiances Lab in faculty of Engieering – Ain Shams University and the scientific and cultural sector - French Embassy are delighted to launch a series of podcasts on the sound dimension of the city. This initiative has started thanks to the introduction of the UNESCO Sound Week in Egypt in May 2022. This series is organized in collaboration between the Faculty of Engineering. The first serie of podcast deals with the historical dimension of the soundscape of Cairo and how this heritage should be recognized.

Sounds of Cities

In collaboration with RadioPapesse and during the Cresson winter school 2019, Noha Gamal SAID has launched multiple soundtracks on the Sounds of Cairo. These soundtracks highlight the sonic variation of the city: street criers, call for prayers, sounds of nature.

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